Route Abbreviations Quiz


Q1: What does the abbreviation "hypo" stand for in medical terminology?

Correct! Wrong!

"Hypo" is short for hypodermic, which refers to the administration of medication via injection under the skin.

Q2: What does "IC" or "ICAV" stand for?

Correct! Wrong!

"IC" or "ICAV" stands for intracavitary, indicating that medication is administered into a cavity within the body.

Q3: The abbreviation "ID" refers to which route of administration?

Correct! Wrong!

"ID" stands for intradermal, meaning the medication is injected into the dermis, the layer of skin beneath the epidermis.

Q4: What does "IM" indicate?

Correct! Wrong!

"IM" stands for intramuscular, indicating the medication is injected directly into a muscle.

Q5: Which route of administration is denoted by "inhal"?

Correct! Wrong!

"Inhal" stands for inhalation, meaning the medication is administered by breathing it into the lungs.

Q6: What does "IT" or "i-thec" refer to?

Correct! Wrong!

"IT" or "i-thec" stands for intrathecal, meaning the medication is administered into the spinal canal.

Q7: What does "IV" stand for in medical abbreviations?

Correct! Wrong!

IV" stands for intravenous, indicating the medication is administered through a vein.

Q8: The term "IVP" indicates which method of drug administration?

Correct! Wrong!

"IVP" stands for intravenous push, a method of delivering a rapid injection of medication directly into the bloodstream.

Q9: What does "IVPB" denote?

Correct! Wrong!

"IVPB" stands for intravenous piggyback, a method of administering medication by infusing it into an already running IV line.

Q10: The abbreviation "MDI" refers to which of the following?

Correct! Wrong!

"MDI" stands for metered-dose inhaler, a device used to deliver a specific amount of medication to the lungs.

Q11: What does "pr" indicate in medical terms?

Correct! Wrong!

"Pr" stands for per rectum, indicating that the medication is administered through the rectum.

Q12: The term "po" stands for which route of administration?

Correct! Wrong!

"Po" stands for per oral, meaning the medication is taken by mouth.

Q13: What does "SL" or "subl" indicate?

Correct! Wrong!

"SL" or "subl" stands for sublingual, meaning the medication is placed under the tongue for absorption.

Q14: Which route of administration is denoted by "SQ," "SC," "subq," or "subcu"?

Correct! Wrong!

"SQ," "SC," "subq," or "subcu" stands for subcutaneous, indicating that the medication is injected just under the skin.

Q15: What does "TDD" refer to in medical terms?

Correct! Wrong!

"TDD" stands for transdermal drug delivery, meaning the medication is absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream.

Q16: The abbreviation "top" is used to indicate which route of administration?

Correct! Wrong!

"Top" stands for topical, meaning the medication is applied to the surface of the skin.

Q17: What does "AD" refer to in medical terminology?

Correct! Wrong!

"AD" stands for right ear. It's recommended to spell out "right ear" to avoid confusion with "OD" (right eye).

Q18: The abbreviation "AS" stands for which of the following?

Correct! Wrong!

"AS" stands for left ear. It's recommended to spell out "left ear" to avoid confusion with "OS" (left eye).

Q19: What does "AU" indicate in medical terms?

Correct! Wrong!

"AU" stands for each ear. It's best practice to spell out "each ear" to avoid confusion with "OU" (each eye).

Q20: Which route of administration is denoted by "IT" or "i-thec"?

Correct! Wrong!

"IT" or "i-thec" stands for intrathecal, indicating the medication is administered into the spinal canal.

Q21: What does "MDI" refer to in medical terminology?

Correct! Wrong!

"MDI" stands for metered-dose inhaler, a device used to deliver a specific amount of medication to the lungs.

Q22: The abbreviation "NGT" stands for which route of administration?

Correct! Wrong!

"NGT" stands for nasogastric tube, a thin plastic tube inserted through the nose and into the stomach.

Q23: What does "NPO" indicate?

Correct! Wrong!

NPO" stands for nothing by mouth. It is recommended to spell out "nothing by mouth" to avoid confusion.

Q24: The abbreviation "OC" refers to which of the following?

Correct! Wrong!

"OC" stands for oral contraceptive, indicating a birth control pill taken by mouth.

Q25: What does "OD" stand for in medical abbreviations?

Correct! Wrong!

"OD" stands for right eye. It's recommended to spell out "right eye" to avoid confusion with "AD" (right ear).

Q26: The abbreviation "OS" denotes which of the following?

Correct! Wrong!

"OS" stands for left eye. It's best practice to spell out "left eye" to avoid confusion with "AS" (left ear).

Q27: What does "OU" indicate?

Correct! Wrong!

"OU" stands for each eye. It's recommended to spell out "each eye" to avoid confusion with "AU" (each ear).

Q28: The term "per neb" refers to which route of administration?

Correct! Wrong!

"Per neb" stands for by nebulizer, indicating the medication should be inhaled using a nebulizer device.

Q29: What does "PV" denote in medical terms?

Correct! Wrong!

"PV" stands for per vaginal, indicating the medication is administered via the vagina.

Q30: What does the abbreviation "GT" stand for in medical terms?

Correct! Wrong!

The abbreviation "GT" stands for "Gastrostomy tube." It is a tube inserted through the abdomen that delivers nutrition directly to the stomach.

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